Wine education is useful in your business and social life.
Do you shudder at the thought of being asked to choose a wine in a restaurant with clients colleagues or friends? Does purchasing wine as a gift have you breaking out in a cold sweat.
A good introductory wine education course can give you a lot more confidence and even lead you to learning more into the future and enjoying choosing and drinking many different wines.
Wine is after all a fermented fruit juice, fancy fruit juice, yes, but it should not be mysterious or scary.
An understanding of wine varieties and styles, how wine is made, where it is grown and which foods it it works well with, can take the mystery but not the charm out of choosing and drinking wine.
Wine Taste Talk runs wine classes to get you “wine list ready”. If you a colleague or friend would like to know more visit our website to find out about our next Introduction to Wine Class in November.
If you can’t make this course, let us know and we will keep you informed of future classes.
Fear the wine list or bottle shop no more!

Virginia Jacobs is a wine educator who has shared the joys of wine with keen amateurs and budding professionals for many years. With a Masters of Wine Technology and Viticulture from Melbourne University, and more than a few tastings under her belt, Virginia will guide you in appreciating the wonders of wine.